Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Phaeacians offer Odysseus' safe passage home.

I just got to witness Athena, in the disguise of a young girl help lead Odysseus home and protecting him from the Phaeacians harassing him, while he was on his way to the Palace of Alcinous. When he first sees the Queen he runs to her feet, without telling them his true identity then she assumes he is a mortal then she promises him on the next ship to mainland. 

When Odysseus Comes Home and kills his own people to get his wife back

Today I got to witness when Odysseus came home to Ithaca when he was unrecognizable because he was dressed as a beggar so he could draw his bow and win his wife back fairly because he has been gone for so long. Then he drew the bow and shot someone square in the neck and told everyone he was The Great Odysseus and he would kill them all because they were all trying to take his place as king.  His son, Telemachus found out it really was his father and he helped with the gods kill everyone that was trying to take his place. When he saw Penelope, his beloved wife she didn't believe it was really him until he pointed out that someone had moved their bed, which was irremovable because it was carved into the roots of a olive tree. Then she knew it was him.

The Sirens Singing

Today I just got to witness the Most beautiful women, the sirens start singing. The were so beautiful their judgement got crushed when those sirens started singing. They couldn't resist turning around, so they did.

Circe turns Odysseus' men into Pigs.

I just saw a woman, Circe turn Odysseus' men into pigs today. Hermes, appeared in the form of a boy told Odysseus to take a herb called moly to protect him from Circe's drug. Odysseus follows Hermes instructions eventually forcing Circe to turn all of his men back to normal again.

The Cyclops believed that Odysseus really wasn't there, but he was under a sheep

I just witnessed how clever Odysseus was when he tricked the Cyclops into thinking that he wasn't really there. In the end I found out he was really there, but he was under a sheep.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Escaping Scylla and Charybdis

After being trapped again because of Zeus, he finally escaping Scylla and Charybdis for a second time. Hoping that nothing stands in his way, he drifts for 9 days until he finally reaches Kalypso's island. Odysseus has never been happier to finally be at a place that he recognizes.

The Next Sail

After finally getting the raft fixed, Odysseus and his men set sail again. But with in minutes of the raft setting sail, Zeus strikes a lighting bolt on the raft. Every single one of Odysseus's men was killed except for Odysseus. When he had realized that all his men where dead, he was starting to lose hope.

Cursing Odysseus

Today we learn the Odysseus was cursed by Poseidon. A man named Polyphemus begs his father to curse him. He curses him by creating a 3 storm to follow him where ever he goes.

Intense Storm

Today Odysseus and his men were trapped by Poseidon's storm. Since Poseidon broken the raft they do not have a way to leave the island. Left with no options, they wait out the extreme storm for 3 days. Everyday was worst than the last as the storm passed by. 

Friday, January 29, 2016

Letting Odysseus Go

Today I got to see Calypso release Odysseus. Zeus had to send a message to Hermes to tell Calypso to let him go. Odysseus was super happy to be let go. He rushes out and leaves on a raft. But Poseidon sends a huge storm Odysseus way to destroy the raft and succeeds to. Now with no way to leave the island, Odysseus is forced to stay on the island.


The cyclops has awoken